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Odour Killer & Sanitiser™

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  Odour Killer
  & Sanitiser

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Natures own way to kill microbial build ups and bad odours, refresh & restore natural balance

Very often when you are close to a lake, river or stagnant pond, you notice raised levels of odours, some pleasant, but in the main general staleness and rotting smells. This is mainly caused by large numbers of tiny microbial colonisations "gassing off", living on all sorts of decaying matter and breeding freely at prodigious rates.

Like everything in the natural world, a BALANCE is required to keep this under control…

The air that we breathe is made up primarily of oxygen and nitrogen. Natural ozone can be made from common oxygen during the high electrical discharge experienced in rainstorms and thunderstorms.The corona discharge breaks two oxygen O2 atoms apart, recombining them as O3; this new molecule is called Ozone or (trivalent) Oxygen. This highly reactive molecule O3 then floats out into the environment, seeking out all pollutant molecules. One of the atoms from the O3 molecule attaches itself to any pollutant molecules, including microbial build-ups and other gases and chemical toxins, thereby destroying it.

An important property of natural ozone is that it has a very short life span. The half-life of ozone is approximately 20-30 minutes (meaning that half of the ozone created will break down and return back to oxygen in around 20-30 minutes). So around 20-30 minutes after a thunderstorm, we often notice a more refreshed atmosphere because the microbial build-ups have been destroyed.
In nature, strong odours or any pollutants use up far more of the O3 ozone, and lighter odours require far less. If natural ozone cannot find any contaminant or pollutant to work on, it then simply reverts back to oxygen, thereby restoring the natural environmental balance!!

Within all our buildings, business premises and vehicle interiors, a relentless build-up of fine dust dirt and other pollutants accummulate… readily absorbed by soft furnishings and other open porous material fabrics. Add to this spillages such as milk, dropped food, cigarette smoke, sickness, other soiling, pet dander, and poor cleaning, and we unwittingly provide an almost perfect environment in which germs, pathogens and bacteria can thrive.

So how can Eco Smart Organics provide a NEW healthier, hygienically restored, well balanced environment?

HOW IT WORKS - Anti-microbial sanitisation and high end disinfection:

Eco Smart Organics draws heavily from these naturally occurring weather cycles and mimics them by using a similarly excited electrically charged fogged gas cloud in order to produce a safe, yet most highly effective DRY fogged anti-microbial sanitise and high end disinfection solution. We utilise the all-new Odour Killer & Sanitiser™ product range, which changes state from liquid (via steam, then super-heated steam) to superheated DRY GAS which contains active anti-microbial, polarity changing agents, within a highly excited cloud.
The high speed release of DRY GAS into all a closed room or vehicle, creates a series of swirling air currents and provides vigorous air movement throughout the space for a total "3D" saturation. Millions of 1-1.5 micron Diameter sized particles are released, able to work there way deeply into all miniscule cracks, including painted walls, wall papers and ceiling finishes, along with ALL other porous interior material fabrics present, by using natural capillary action, due to their incredibly tiny micron size.
Unlike commonly used alcohol based leading brand household chemical disinfectants and detergents, the Odour Killer & Sanitiser™ active agents continue to kill over a lengthy 24hr period. The first 30 minutes see the highest levels of enzyme type activities, giving a powerful efficacy, and providing totally safe, completely programmable and controlled interior anti-microbial de-colonisation using the latest sanitise & high end disinfection servicing technologies.

Diagram shows structure of common bacterium


Odour Killer & Sanitiser™ - Killing Methodology

  1. The dense Cloud like highly positively (+ve) charged DRY FOGGED GAS readily pulls apart the outer Capsule & Cell Walls of any Microbes found.
  2. Active agents detergent aspect then gain easy access to bore holes right inside the un-protected central Nucleoid, Destroys the nucleic acid.
  3. Active agents continue to seek and destroy deeply buried microbes over a full 24 hr period, again boring holes right through Capsule & Cell Walls.

Small viruses like Calici viruses (Noro-virus, Norwalk) (shown here highly magnified) have extremely tough outer coats constructed from tightly coiled proteins held together by ionic forces. The Odour Killer & Sanitiser™ anti-microbial technologies kills these viruses in seconds, by using acidity modifiers to break the ionic forces which hold them together, causing the coiled proteins to separate slightly, thereby allowing the detergent aspect to enter a virus and destroy the nucleic acid.