- Highly competitive pricing, no VAT added
(except for bought in goods such as top
quality paints, sealants, supplies &
- ESO Quotes + Survey clearly define ALL costs
& services.
- Full CSSA membership: Eco Smart operatives
work within fully recognised professional code
of GOOD ethical working practice; plus good
interpersonal communication skills.
- Advisory and Consultation service available
for more complex tenant, LA’s Health officers
and or Landlords / Property managers, for a
full Mould Remediation resolution.
- Full £5M Public + £5M Product limited
liability cover is standard for all Eco Smart
Eco Smart Organics are based outside the
M25 in the Berkshire - Hampshire region. We offer a
unique Specialist UK property service in the Buildings,
Lettings, Rentals and Sale sectors for ALL residential
homes, commercial buildings, offices and industrial
In addition to carrying out a full range of interior
cleaning services and fast turn-round New Tenancy
Sparkle Cleans, we also provide scientifically proven
techniques for more demanding and troublesome property
issues, which include:
- Root cause obtrusive BAD ODOUR removal - caused by:
- curry, garlic, spices, cooking oils & fats,
- pet smells,
- cigarette smoke, tar & sticky residues,
- musty damp, all mouldy smells.
- Specialist deep vacuum service plus use of dry fog
SANITISER and REFRESH product lines. This all results
in a deeply clean interior, with improved IAQ (indoor
air quality) and a significant reduction in background
contaminants. Giving a superb feel to fast turnaround
inter tenancy sparkle cleans, plus total peace of mind
to commercial business unit lets and offices as this
effect often lasts up to 12 months and beyond in any
"serviced" interiors, with occasional viewings also
not greatly diminishing the interiors pleasing aroma
and presentation, provided all rooms are closed up
after viewing, leaving the property interiors sealed
- High grade products used for Sparkle Cleans produce
excellent results - increasing the lettability or
saleability of a property.
- Full property MOULD remediation: detailed site
survey report (including photos) - from £30, Expert
advice on tackling the root causes, such as
ventilation, heating, etc. Biocide treatment,
re-painting with special paint additive.
- Mid-term survey for preventative mould treatment +
Window & Frames Servicing - includes fitting
trickle vents, treating window sills, reporting
significant issues.
- Window safety locks, trickle vents and energy saving
appliances can be fitted to improve heating and
prevent mould growth.
- Tenants belongings and furniture suffering light
mould growth can also be cleaned and treated.
- For tenant families and office workers affected by
allergens, we can offer an Ultra deep clean service
for specific rooms and supply the latest UV light air
treatment units, killing 99.9% of known irritants and
improving IAQ.