Odour Killer & Sanitiser™ commercial customers include:
Valeters & car park cleaning companies
Business & Residential commercial cleaning companies
Transportation, Building & Construction
Hospital and Care Home cleaners
Local Authority, Housing Associations
Trade resellers.
Eco Smart Organics is building up a network of retailers in the U.K. and looking to expand our database of commercial users. If you are interested, please contact us using the Enquiry form.
The application of organic cleaning and sanitising products with in-built aromas offers a positive boost for many service orientated operators who have found that their consumers and customers enjoy this experience. Eco Smart Organics has carefully selected a number of scents for maximum effectiveness throughout the domestic, commercial, retail and industrial sectors. Odour Killer & Sanitiser™ liquids are available in volumes from 1l to 25l.
2010 UK COMMERCIAL PRICELIST TRADE ONLY All prices not subject to VAT |
1litre |
2.5litre |
5litre |
25litre |
Odour Killer & Sanitiser™ Liquids: All aromas (Citrus, Cherry, Jasmine, Mint & Menthol, Neutral) |
£12.50 |
£25.00 |
£50.00 |
£180.00 |
Odour Killer & Sanitiser™ Liquids: Machine Cleaning Fluid |
£8.50 |
£17.50 |
£35.00 |
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 CITRUS - Fresh, Clean, Hygienic
Lemon, like other citrus fruits, has a long standing well-deserved association for thoroughly clean and antiseptic like cleaning qualities. The natural scented aromas help to destroy many commonly occurring odours. Our ECO Smart Organic lemon scented aroma promotes this and results in high levels of complete satisfaction! | |
 MINT & MENTHOL - Smoke & Pet Odours
Mint & Menthol has been selected for its abilities to block and cut out strong odours, such as bitter tasting tobacco, cigarettes, smoke residues and pet smells.
Mint & Menthol scent aromas are used in medicine for many drugs and its strong sharp flavour is used as a mild decongestant. It provides a firm, crisp yet refreshed aroma, displacing heavy overpowering odours. |
 JASMINE - Homes, Offices, Transport
Jasmine has a naturally calming effect, a pure and gentle summery flower aroma, creating very pleasant yet subtle underlying background scent. A natural aphrodisiac soothing and relaxing, it helps fight stress & fatigue. It also contains many strong medicinal properties and is being trialled for use in new Cancer medications. Often used in various herbal tea remedies as well as having huge popularity in aromatherapy.
 CHERRY - Popular commercial, Transport
Cherry has enjoyed a rise in popularity, having a subtle medium and underlying fruity background aroma, enabling it able to blend and fit in into almost all surroundings. It is easy to use within the transportation sector, as it has a very flexible range of applications and goes well with leather! Cherry is also often used increasingly in multiple ranges of new domestic products, further helping to promote it as another very recognised highly associative aroma.
For customers who prefer not to add a scented aromas within their homes, our unscented product will totally breakdown & destroy most bacteria present, removing ALL underlying re-occurring odours.
"In customer homes, businesses, vehicle interiors, retail and showroom outlets… Associative sales are far easier for the customers and consumers for all product and services SOLD this way"